Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Creative Efforts and Sad Stories

I taught a class of ladies how to make the boxes Julie taught us to make at WWWW. It was fun and now they want another to learn how to make the cards as well. See what you've started, Julie?

If you are in the market for craft ribbon, try the $1 spot at Target. They also have pretty tissue paper that I use to stuff (lightly) in the handmade boxes to hide the gift inside. I also figured out that by weaving the ribbon loosely through the four corners, there is room for larger gift items.

I am enjoying blogging more every week. Honestly, Sara and Mark, I had NO IDEA what I was missing. Thank you, again! There's a whole wonderful world of people out there, much like me, who enjoy home, family, and have creative talents to share, as well as poignant stories.

The best part for both John and me is the ones in the family who also blog. We get a little peek into your lives that compensates (just a little) for the fact that none of you live close anymore, and we are very much deprived of our BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL, ADORABLE, PRECIOUS grand children! Now is that a sad story, or what?

I found this site through one of the other family blogs and she had the cutest flowers for hair bows (or whatever) made out of zippers. They look amazingly simple and are adorable.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Letter of the law

"As soon as you put your dishes in the dishwasher, you can have cookies." Sammie took us at our word . . .

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cold February, Warm Hearts

All Right!

Sara gave us "instructions for changing your blog background in six easy steps" and it worked! So you may see more changes there than blog postings. This is really fun.

I'm in San Diego this week spending time with Amy and family. We've had fun and will extend it even further when they come up to see us this Sunday.

I am so tired tonight, but had to see if I could change that background again. John is in the Poppy Fields but we're both headed home tomorrow. I bet Joel misses us.