Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving – November 2010

   Family and friends give so much meaning to life.  Our Thanksgiving seemed quiet compared to years past.  We drove to Poway and spent a few days with Spencer and Amy.

The Turkey was cooked perfectly and the rest of the menu was superb.  It was fun to play games with them and do some fun crafts with the children.  We decorated a ginger bread house and started a paper machei (sp?) snowman.  How DO you spell that?  I’ll get those pictures asap . . .



The beginnings of our “snowman’, partially obscured by its genius creator, the beautiful and talented Kaitlyn Joelle Ward.


As promised, we  helped with some of the Christmas decorating.  Well, John helped Spencer with the outside lights (including pounding in the nails so it will be easier next year and after …)  While I continued to play and watch Samantha discover the tree skirt “fit” her perfectly and made a fine dancing skirt.

116  When we were loading the car, getting ready to come home, I was surprise attacked by this little imp secluded in the trunk of the car.  Life is never dull around these grand children.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bobby’s Team Wins!

At the long awaited volleyball tournament, this weekend, Whoa, OLD post-forgot to publish)  :)   it was no surprise that our own Bob Ward and his team mate won the whole thing.  They were the grand prize winners of a gift certificate to Golden Corral!  Wow!  I bet the children are thrilled.

Bob’s team were almost unbeaten and would have completely swept the tournament . . . except for one little thing.  Did I say little?  Well, I should have said younger.  Bob’s team was beaten only by his younger brother. Mark.  Oops!  What does that mean?   Are the younger ones taking over in this family or was it just a fluke?  Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of “youth versus experience” in the Ward family sports drama.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Giving Thanks

Family - sorry I forgot to post this at the approproate time (AGES AGO) but here it is now. I wrote it shortly after thankggiving last year. :/ What a great time of year. It's finally cooling off a little here and we've even had some rain, which I love. Spencer and Amy came with their family late Friday night and stayed the weekend. Amy, Kaitlyn and Samantha even went to church with us before visiting their old ward in Stanton.

I have been feeling better than good. Miraculous is the word. The energy level has risen immensely and I'm able to get back to some of the things I love doing. Two weeks ago I even went to St. George for a sewing retreat at Dave's Bernina. That was a great experience to stay with Tamra Cox and just sew our little hearts out. We even sewed on Sunday after church and listened to beautiful music.

I'm having fun finishing old projects that are turning out well. I'm calling it "Art Therapy". It works great for me. I'd forgotten what a lift creative efforts are for me. It's even more fun when I can give it away to someone who will treasure and take good care of it.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

TREVOR WARD – the Missionary

It’s true;  He’s a full fledged, set apart missionary, entered the MTC Wed. 30 of September 2010.

TrevorFarewell 072

He is SUCH a great looking missionary.  And bears powerful testimony of the Gospel.  Following are pictures of some of the festivities after his farewell.

Trevor with brothers and cousins (all  of them future missionaries).

TrevorFarewell 064 Festivities included lunch at his Aunt Wendy’s and then his setting apart with the Bishop and Stake President on Monday night.  Wow, that was a great outpouring of the spirit!  Connor predicted it by passing around the tissue.   We just needed lots more than expected.

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Michael and Julies’ family with their Bishop on the left and Stake President on the right.

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I feel exquisitely blessed to have been part of such a great occasion.   He will probably depart for Nicaragua November 30.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Mark & Sara Ward Family

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Mark & Family 043

Mark and Sara looked (and acted) like honeymooners the whole time.  I loved it, but I’m a romantic.  They were much more cooperative about getting their picture taken than those active, very excited children.

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And Grandpa was worst of all.  You’d think I would be used to him being ‘one of the kids’ when he’s with them.

We had our very own ‘show’ just as we were leaving the nature center.

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Riding BACKWARDS was exciting!

It was a delightful visit Mark & Family 063 Mark & Family 062 I especially enjoyed playing speed scrabble.  Emma is very good at it … and Mark was a cheater :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It’s JOHN Who Got Dirty – Not Me

I forgot to clarify the headline for the last entry.  John got really filthy working in the yard.

Down and Dirty in Poway

We just returned from two nights with Spencer and Amy’s family.  John really worked hard in their yard again.  It is such a huge yard, and could be a real paradise if they had the time and $$ to put into it.  It’s already pretty nice as is with the pool and patio and all the play places for the children.   I think that yard could be a full time job for a gardener and still use some extra time.  It is just SO big.

Every time we go down there, the house looks better and better with all the painting and repairs shaping up nicely and the furnishings put in the right place and the unpacking getting done.  It makes me tired just to think of trying to move.  I’m so glad we have no plans to do any such thing!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It’s been a while.  But we’ve been busy – and just plain fatigued too.  You guys wear us out!  Our travels have taken us to visit some of you – again.  And of course you’ve visited with us as well.   I have proof as follows:




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These kids really LOVE the water.

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Savannah & friends had a little beauty parlor too.  Isn’t he cute?


Savannah’s tennis team (above).   Savannah had quite the trip(s) coming down with her family first, and then right back with her tennis team.  I must have been under the weather … no pictures of their cute family.

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Texas was nice, but HOT.  It was fun to see Dan & Lindsay all settled in their new (air conditioned, thank goodness)  house.



Trevor was a good sport when the girls decided to include him in their dress up play.

I didn’t take any other pictures of Amy or Michael’s family or the Kogers while they were here.  But I did get Max.


…sleeping in my arms – what joy.095 142

… doing his “baby power” stretch

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Yes. those are grandpa’s feet!  149 146

… and these are the rascals, caught in the act.


Joel, after his fishing in Alaska trip.  He loved it.


And then to Park City.  The “shoe tree”

163 What do ya think??  Is he in the right place?

164 Or is it better this way?   He was a good sport too.


Max loved my cover-up.



I think Max liked Park City as well as the rest of his family.


We stayed with Mark and Sara both coming and going to Utah.  They are such gracious Hosts/Hostesses.  I think Gabe actually enjoys sharing his room.   He’s sure sweet about it.

It was great vacationing, but quite exhausting.  Now it’s quite lovely to be home.  We share our home with so many groups that we’re always either getting ready for or cleaning up afterwards, so there’s no time to be lonely.  Joel condescends to play a few games with us.  Speed Scrabble seems to be the favorite right now.

(I hope) We’ve rested enough that we’re going down to visit with Spencer and Amy later today.  That’s what’s been happening with us.