Sunday, November 21, 2010

Giving Thanks

Family - sorry I forgot to post this at the approproate time (AGES AGO) but here it is now. I wrote it shortly after thankggiving last year. :/ What a great time of year. It's finally cooling off a little here and we've even had some rain, which I love. Spencer and Amy came with their family late Friday night and stayed the weekend. Amy, Kaitlyn and Samantha even went to church with us before visiting their old ward in Stanton.

I have been feeling better than good. Miraculous is the word. The energy level has risen immensely and I'm able to get back to some of the things I love doing. Two weeks ago I even went to St. George for a sewing retreat at Dave's Bernina. That was a great experience to stay with Tamra Cox and just sew our little hearts out. We even sewed on Sunday after church and listened to beautiful music.

I'm having fun finishing old projects that are turning out well. I'm calling it "Art Therapy". It works great for me. I'd forgotten what a lift creative efforts are for me. It's even more fun when I can give it away to someone who will treasure and take good care of it.