Friday, May 28, 2010

Presenting . . . Max Lindsay Koger!

I can hardly believe I’m really here,  And with minutes to spare.  I arrived just before Kevin and Lesa left for the hospital.  The night was way too filled with excited anticipation to get much sleep.

Lesa had tested positive for strep, which made it imperative  that she have four hours of intravenous antibiotic before the baby delivered and that was precisely the amount of time it took for Max to come into this world.  He weighed in at a hefty 9 pounds 6 ounces and was 21 inches long with plenty of dark brown hair.

From what I’ve been able to see so far, his features are pleasantly handsome and he sleeps with a serene expression on his beautiful mug.  Of course he can make quite a variety of  facial expressions as well.  My favorite so far is when he clamps his toothless gums together, giving him the look of a little old man,  But he has displayed quite an array of very hilarious expressions in his sleep to keep us all entertained; and of course his four big sisters (or little mothers) are in tune with nearly everything he does.  He does not lack for motherly attention.  In fact, I’m finding it difficult too find a time for my turn to hold the little guy.

One other cute thing about him is his ‘baby condor squeal’ (as Kevin has called it) that he seems to use most of the time to express his displeasure.  It’s pretty cute and effectively draws the attention he desires.

Arrival at the Hospital Arrival at the Hospital (2)

Can you just FEEL the barely contained excitement at the coming prospect of finally seeing their long-awaited baby brother?

Baby Max's first day 019 Baby Max's first day 018

And finally getting their own turns to hold and admire him up close . . . it was really difficult to await turns patiently . . .

Baby Max's first day 026Baby Max's first day 051

Baby Max's first day 029 Baby Max's first day 031 even for me!  and I wanted to hog him much longer.

      Baby Max's first day 037 Baby Max's first day 032Baby Max's first day 035

Baby Max's first day 040    Baby Max's first day 045Baby Max's first day 047Baby Max's first day 039  

Baby Max's first day 062

Well, now  we have him home and it isn’t any easier to get your turn holding him.  He has FIVE mothers, all willing to fill any need, even anticipating them.  Of course he’s the most handsome baby brother EVER!  No arguments at this house.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Sorry about that.  Karl was trying to post an old movie he made in High School with Greg Blake.  It’s pretty funny, but we couldn’t get it to work.

Thursday, May 6, 2010