Friday, March 26, 2010

Well, here is the fixer-upper we are buying. This picture makes it look nicer than it is. It is truly ugly but we got a decent price and there is a lot of room for guests! Dad has spent 3 days trying to figure out the watering system and the mystery of the backyard which currently has several trails, whoop-dee-doos, and berms for dirt bikes. I'm taking votes as to whether we should keep the dirt mounds or clear them for a volleyball court . . . . Dad voted to keep them. The rest of you can add your vote in the comments section.
Come visit!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's really impossible to realize we have been married 47 years. What an amazing life we've had. There is no way I could have predicted such joy. So many children, and all the incredible grand children. Way back when I was dating, I remember feeling sorry for 'old married people', who didn't look like they were having any fun, and definitely looked OLD.

It's funny how perspective changes with age and some wisdom. John is lying here next to me (snoring away). He said he "couldn't go to sleep" so was hoping for my magical, sleep inducing, back scratches. He actually fell asleep just being here with me at the laptop. How I love that man! How blessed I feel to have been together all these years. We have so many treasured memories. We're both thinking along the same line: preserving some of those moments. He is hoping to start putting together some DVDs from all our family pictures and movies. I just want to get some more scrap booking done along with journal keeping, in the form of all the journals I've already finished, plus the notes with my scrap books and now, the blog. Thank you, again, Mark and Sara.

This past month or so, have been spent keeping up with the house, reorganizing my bedroom office and closet; and most recently, the kitchen and all the scrap book supplies. I'm nearly finished with that and will finally tackle the game room next. Yes, Spencer, I will find the pool table. Then I'm really hoping to get back to some sewing and embroidery. Our scrapbook "walls" in the hallways need my attention as well. You know, I thought of something I could use help with: all of our family scrapbooks that are "before the archival" quality need to be redone. How I would love it if any of you wanted to help with those.

Bobby is coming this week. I'm so excited to have him help me with my new laptop so I can really organize all my photos and include more of them on this blog. Joel and John gave me a blessing today. I have had a growing concern for a walnut sized lump in my throat that Dr. Bitter thought was just a clogged salivary gland. My dentist ruled that out and sent me to the oral surgeon, who is in turn sending me to a neck/throat surgeon. With each new referral, my concern has grown, hoping the final referral would NOT be to an oncoligist! It will be all right.